Monday, June 11, 2018

BAU Graduation 2018—Proud to be the Valedictorian!

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

Graduation ceremony of Bahcesehir University Class of 2018 was held on 9th of June, 2018 at Sinan Erdem Dome Istanbul. 

It was the greatest day of my entire academic life, since I graduated as the VALEDICTORIAN of Bahcesehir University (BAU) Class of 2018 (with CGPA 3.99/4.00) 😎😁🤩

Now, I am officially an INDUSTRIAL ENGINEER 😍🎉

Proudly, I have been awarded the Golden Brain of BAU, received the award from the Secretary General of South Africa's ANC Dr. Ace Magashule, Chairman of BAU Board of Trustees Mr. Enver Yücel and President of BAU Prof. Şenay Yalçın. 

I delivered the valedictory speech at the ceremony to more than 20,000 people with a great delight.

As I addressed the graduating class: "When we started Bahcesehir University, we were all sparks. We have been raised as pioneers to increase the welfare and happiness of our country and the people of the world. And now, we, as blazing flames, will chase our dreams, goals, and ideals!"

I am so glad that I had the chance to be admitted to BAU four years ago on ApplyBAU's merit based full scholarship. As I said during my valedictory speech, "Bahcesehir University has always been more than a university for me". BAU is a vigorous and ambitious institution that has an international vision. Being a student at BAU and experiencing its multicultural and dynamic atmosphere was highly inspirational to an individual like me, who aims to pursue a global management and marketing career. I had four fantastic years at BAU, full of academic and extracurricular accomplishments. I am grateful to my professors, friends and family. 💗

My lovely parents accompanied me to the event 😍

With Dear Prof. Tunç Bozbura, Professor of Management Engineering and BAU's Vice President. 
Very fortunately, I was his student assistant and junior researcher, worked on career studies and management practices. Furthermore, he was the one that recommended me to our CO-OP department to be chosen as the first student at BAU to initiate a one-to-one CEO reverse mentoring programDear Prof. Tunç Bozbura and his close colleague Dear Prof. Ahmet Beşkese—the Director of BAU Industrial Engineering and my precious academic advisor—have been fantastic masters and mentors to me. I have always felt their support. And I am so lucky that I had a great chance to become a follower of their management school and approach. In particular, I have gained a world-class understanding of the importance of intellectual capital from them. 

With Dear Dr. Ahmet Yücel, the Coordinator of our faculty.

And with my dears—Berfin and Kagan 💕 During the ceremony, my all precious friends came to congratulate me and shared my happiness. They made me feel again that's what friends are for ☺️🥰

I would like to end this fantastic post with some other related occasions:

Of course my great prom poses with my studymates 😅 BAU Prom '18 at Esma Sultan Mansion.

I was so excited to be the consort of HRH Princess Berfin 😍🤩😄

And our capstone project presentation. 
Advised by the Director of BAU Industrial Engineering Prof.  Ahmet Beşkese, who is also my precious academic advisor and mentor as I mentioned earlier, we proposed an extensive strategic management and marketing roadmap for B2C product-oriented IoT startups to better shape their product and business strategies. The team got A (highest letter grade attainable at BAU) 🎉

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Collage of 2017

2017... Doubtlessly, it has been one of the greatest years in my whole life 🤩 I have proudly become the reverse mentor of VW Turkey CEO, also had a great marketing internship in there. Furthermore, I attended a fantastic summer school in South Korea which was full of joy. I am thankful for great friends and memories. Last but not least important, I was a panel speaker at TEGEP Turkey Education and Development Summit 2017. At the end, I can say that 2017 has been a wonderful year for me gratefully 💗