
My Amateur Car Designs
I desire to become a leading marketing and management executive in the global automotive industry. Therefore, having a strong taste in car design is a priority for me.
A premium cab-forward e-crossover, designed in 2018.
A premium SUV, designed in 2015.

A premium sport hatchback, designed in 2015.

A premium retro hatchback, designed in 2014.

My Former Personal Statement Essay 2013-14 
(From my senior year at my high school BHSSciTech in Istanbul about a place or an environment where I am perfectly content. It had a precious role for me to be awarded ApplyBAU's full merit scholarship.)

Contentedness…From my angle, means freely reflecting myself through my talents and interests. This feeling is the one which I very fortunately found at my high school in Istanbul while presenting a charity event for elderly people or being the head judge of a science competition for primary school students.

The thought of working in the automotive industry also makes me so content. As an enthusiast of SAAB brand, I visualize myself right fit at SAAB Cars, where is a great place for me to reach the pinnacle of my career. At the headquarters in Trollhattan/Sweden, I hope to spend my time in different departments: Design, research and development, production and management. Thus, I will have a chance to express my abilities in various units. As a part of my personal introduction, now I would like to tell about my future world at SAAB Cars:

I am an amateur car designer in my free time. Therefore, I frequently visit the design department where I accompany designers to turn creativity into creation. Since my childhood, designing cars makes me feel the same excitement. In the design department, the challenge to create a unique design language welcomes me. To succeed in our task, my designer mates and I dream to create concepts for our future models. While lines and colors are formed in my mind, I feel goosebumps on my skin with the pleasure of shaping the future.

My other destination at the headquarters is the research and development center where evokes so many memories for me. My parents gifted me my first camera when I was at primary school. Then, I started to record videos of the experiments from my science book and shared them regularly at my class. My teachers’ appreciations and my friends’ admiration heartened me in my engineering journey. That’s why I feel myself so pleasured here. As a person who invented an automotive safety technology in his high school years, I watch the crash tests of high safety car modules in the safety division with the right proud of saving people from car accidents. Besides, I visit the center where green powertrains are developed. Very fortunately, I am involved in the efforts to protect the harmony of the earth. Seeing myself contributing to society makes me so glad.

After all, our production facility is my favorite place where the masterpieces are formed. As I spent most of my childhood in Bursa, i.e., the Detroit of Turkey, automobile production plants were always around me. Now, from press shop to final assembly, the parade of the cars on the production line makes my heart beat faster. I feel the mesmerizing smell of the new cars. Shining automobiles under the light tunnel for final quality inspections dazzle my eyes. And the world-class quality proves my persistence to create the best.

Like in the other departments, passion runs very high for me to find impressive ways to promote our brand. To have meetings with my colleagues who are responsible for our brand image, I prefer the cozy cafĂ© at the Scandic Hotel. While drinking coffee and viewing the serene beauty of Gota Alv River, we brainstorm for new ideas and events to promote our brand. When my mind unites with my colleagues’ minds and imagination peaks, it is not a surprise for me to be happy. Variety of ideas fuels our creativity ship and I am so glad to be a crew member of this ship.

Whatever I do, experience or dream at the headquarters of SAAB Cars, my interests and abilities have a place in every department. My agenda is full of passion for innovation and amicable synergy. At the end I can hopefully say that, I am perfectly content where I am.

My Brand Strategies for SAAB Automobile 2012-13
My very first proactive job/internship application as an ambitious high school student and an enthusiast of SAAB Cars in 2013.

From UrSaab to the end, SAAB Cars had always been a symbol of creativity and enthusiasm. With its unique design language and style, SAAB had attracted intellectual people. 

In my high school years, I was imagining myself as the future CEO of SAAB Cars (as in my personal statement essay 2013-14) and planning the revival of the company. My interest in SAAB Automobile AB began after the sales of the firm to Spyker by General Motors as a result of the 2008-10 automotive industry crisis. Unfortunately, Spyker era was short-lived. With the subsequent ownership change, it was lastly planned, but failed, to reposition SAAB to become a premium EV brand. 

In those years, I shared my marketing ideas for SAAB Cars with the top executives of the firm, as shown aboveIt makes me so glad and proud to see my innovative approach for marketing as a curious high school student without any business and marketing education or experience. I proposed an official enthusiasts team to better engage with SAAB's superfans and encourage potential customers to join the brand community. Additionally, I designed a comprehensive personalization program under a subbrand named SAAB Bespoke and outlined a prestigious brand partnership with a Savile Row tailor for it. Furthermore, I depicted elegant flagship dealers in global downtowns having lifestyle boutiques of the partnered Savile Row tailor, indulging visitors with the corners for patisserie treats, and hosting events, similar to brand experience centers which are created later, to improve customer experience and boost SAAB's brand image.

Years later, I have so proudly made a prestigious start to my professional career in the automotive industry as the Reverse Mentor of VW Turkey CEO.

Weary or Drowsy Driver Detection and Warning System 2012

In 2012, I worked with engineers from the R&D company of Bahcesehir University (BAUMIND) for an automotive active safety technology based on a non-contact ECG sensor technology. The system was registered as a Patent/Utility Model by Turkish Patent Institute in December 2012. 

The whole process was a fantastic experience for me as a high school student in those years. I became familiar with intellectual property registration process during that period and after volunteered to mentor different student groups in my high school about intellectual property registration process also helped them to write patent applications for their projects in 2013.

Weary or Drowsy Driver Detection and Warning System had a potential as an automotive safety technology in 2012 when it was developedAnd years after, it is a great pleasure for me to follow recent developments in autonomous driving systems to eliminate driver fatigue.

Description of the system from 2012:

Weary or Drowsy Driver Detection and Warning System is an automotive safety technology which aims to detect driver’s drowsiness by monitoring heart rate, respiration rate and percentage of eye closure of the driver. It is designed as a system which can determine threshold values of the heart rate and the respiration rate for every different driver by itself. System is going to use the non-contact sensors placed in driver's seat for heart rate and respiration rate measurementsAfter detecting driver’s drowsiness, system warns the driver to have a break.

Driver drowsiness detection systems in the market are mainly based on two technologies. First type of systems detect drowsiness up to driver’s steering behaviors. In some conditions such as very high cross-winds, these systems may incorrectly characterize the steering pattern as that of a drowsy driver. Second ones consist of driver monitor cameras which are designed to recognize when the driver’s eyes closed or the driver is not facing forward. Error occurs in these systems when the sensor or the driver’s face is exposed to intense light. 

To reduce these limitations, Weary or Drowsy Driver Detection and Warning System is designed to use three variables: heart rate, respiration rate and percentage of eye closure which change in every individual while drowsiness.