Thursday, May 28, 2015

My Life at BAU So Far / Sparkgo, We've got spark!

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

Photos of my very first presentation at BAU 
from Introduction to Industrial Engineering course :D

It has been a long time since my last blog post. Yet I was quite busy as a college freshman. Just within my first months at Bahcesehir University, I have been selected to BAU Turkish Classical Music Choir and become a part of a brand-new organization at BAU called Sparkgo:

Headquartered at Bahcesehir University (BAU) Istanbul, Sparkgo was founded in June 2014 to unite passionate and productive students from different majors, such as engineering, design, law, communication and economics, under the professional perspective of a company for creating products and services from zero. As a technology startup, it aims to become a pioneer of IoT products and related services in Turkey. 

Since August 2014, I am a part of Sparkgo's multidisciplinary team. As "The Corporate Honcho", I am responsible for the operations and strategy development at Sparkgo. I am working on the plans for corporate development and developing marketing strategies, such as a product personalization program offering color options for Sparkgo's smart plug (planned to be our first B2C product) based on home decoration themes to attract modern customers. Additionally, I outlined a program to gain word-of-mouth momentum by converting our future customers into brand advocates. I also designed a launch campaign for our smartplug to promote it as a "servant" by highlighting its features that aim to make people's life easier.

To enrich this post, I definitely want to share some of my Sparkgo moments and poses:

First of all, my corporate pose. I especially chose to wear a spread collar shirt to bring some youthfulness to my pose while wearing a gorgeous paisley tie.

My pose with my dear teammate Mr. Sahin during Intel Technology Conference 2014. 

This month, Kadir Has University invited us related to how the "Sparkgo Concept" can be applied at KHas FabLab. Above, I am with Ms. Goksu and KHas FabLab's coordinator Mr. Demir in front of a historical fuse box

Birthday Sparkles! Here I am with my precious colleague Ms. Kelleci, aka Cake Boss, in a lovely surprise birthday party for us at our cosy office in April 2015. Ms. Kelleci is famous for her delicious cakes, but this one was not hers :D

And lastly, one of my all time favorite poses :D It is taken by Mr. Sahin in February 2015 at our headquarters in BAU Besiktas Campus. 

(UPDATE: In July 2015, I resigned from my duties at Sparkgo in an amicable way. It was due to the abrupt change in the business focus and plans of Sparkgo. Before the change, a chic smart plug was planned to be its first commercial B2C product. Sparkgo had a multidisciplinary team consisting of around 10 people working on marketing and R&D (including software developers, embedded systems engineers, mobile developers and industrial designers). I was a senior team member responsible for business development and marketing, as detailed in my post above. Thanks to Sparkgo, I've gained fantastic friends from different majors and become familiar with the startup ecosystem in Istanbul).