Wednesday, July 22, 2015

2 Years of CharityOnBoard

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

It has been more than two years since CharityOnBoard was founded. That's why I wanted to write this post to serve as a coverage of its activities and achievements. CharityOnBoard has started its journey to share charity foundations' campaigns and events, and it currently uses its Facebook page mainly. With its aim to increase awareness among the society for charitiesCharityOnBoard has reached more than 2300 followers in social mediaMajority of its followers are from Turkey.

Above, a screenshot of our Facebook page. CharityOnBoard mostly makes its posts in Turkish, also shares the English promotional materials of international charities with Turkish explanations, considering Turkish people who do not speak English.

Frankly, 2300 people is a quite small number of followers for a social media page. But what makes me very proud is, CharityOnBoard has reached more than 2300 aware individuals by the help of our goodwill ambassadors who shared CharityOnBoard with their acquaintances through social media. 

Another point that makes me very proud is, charity foundations like Koruncuk (Turkish Foundation for Children in Need of Protection) appreciated our support and emphasized their precious thanks to us in their own posts. As an example above, Koruncuk said: "Dear Koruncuk Friend, There is a message for you from CharityOnBoard too! Thanks CharityOnBoard".

With its followers and charity network, CharityOnBoard has become a small but aware community in two years.

(Please note that the social responsibility project CharityOnBoard that I founded and managed ended its all activities in December 2015. In addition to its Facebook and Blogger pages that I managed, CharityOnBoard used to have an affiliated Twitter page—established and run by one of my COB volunteer friends—for a very brief period of time in August 2013 only. Honestly, CharityOnBoard's growth was below my expectation. As one of the reasons, it did not have a country focus while covering charities althought the vast majority of its followers were from Turkey only. Additionally, I, as the director, had to better canalize the efforts of my dear friends and acquaintances who volunteered to be the goodwill ambassadors of CharityOnBoard. Besides, I was quite busy in 2013-14, i.e., CharityOnBoard's first year, since I made college applications and started university in that year. But I had a great personal gain, my social responsibility and awareness increased while managing CharityOnBoard.)